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07/03/01: Time to re-design my site again. To me it looks gay as hell. Yes, just like Rips Big arse updated except it wont take like 4 months. 


06/08/01: http://www.editionnine.deathrowbook.com/noflash/nf_sertest.htm 

A little thing I stumbled across. I scored a 14. Lower than what I thought it would be.

05/29/01: Lately I've been bored to death late at night. Nothing to do with my cable modem, nothing on tv. Why don't you go to sleep? Cause I can't. I'll be tossing and turning for hours. So instead, I decided to buy a PS2 with TTT and a MAS Systems arcade stick. And today I did just that. 

05/19/01: Since Rip and Pete FAILED to get any new of Tekken 4 from E3, I will post it up here. BTW, they also FAILED to take me along with them. Fuckers

Here are some links: 

Kazuya?    King    Forest or Marshall?    Paul Phoenix    New Character    Hwoarang    Ling

Preview Movie

Judging by the pictures, Tekken 4 will take place not long after Tekken 3...unlike Tekken 2 to Tekken 3 which took 19 years. 

P.S. Next year call me damnit.

05/15/01: I've run into a lot of free time lately, so I'm trying to beat Super Metroid in under 3 hours. Why, some of you may ask? Because I wanna see Samus in a bikini thats why!!

Also, I need to redesign this site...its starting to bug me now.

04/30/01: Some sad sad sad news today. My uncle had just passed away. My family is in mourning. Although it hasn't really hit me that hard since I've never met him before. But I am still sad. It's very painful to see my family grieving. 

On a brighter note, I just received a copy of Jon's first Tekken 3 juggling movie. Nothing too eye-popping but there was stuff like 31 Godfists....that's so hilarious. He should see my infinite combo with king. The next juggle he needs to do is EWGF(WGF), back~forward+2,1,2,EWGF

04/23/01: WOW. I haven't updated this site in forever. Nothing much has happened since then, except for a lan. It wasn't that great since I was only there for a few hours. Lately, I've been getting into classical music again so I'll post some of my fav songs since I'm sure most of you out there don't know the names to them. 

Beethoven - 5th Symphony. When I was younger, my mom told me there used to be this car commercial that played the beginning part of the 5th Symphony. She said whenever that commercial came on, I would jump around and go up to the tv screen(my version of dancing). This piece of music is in my blood.

Karl Orff - Carmina Burana O Fortuna

Verdi - Requiem Mass - Dies ir 

Evangelion - Kanon D-dur(Quartet) - There are many variations of this, but this one is the best one I've heard yet.

Bach - Air for G string. Thanks to Sae for informing me about this masterpiece.

Grieg - The Hall of The Mountain King

BTW, I re-took the speed test for my cable modem (drum roll) and tada I got 1236.4 kbps. This was taken at 3 in the morning though.


03/18/01: Boy howdy...I just worked a 14 hour shift yesterday. 11am-1am. 4½ of overtime pay. It would be six but they deducted 1½ hours for my break, although I didn't take it. But that was the only way my manager would let me open and close. Why did I post this? Just because I haven't updated my page in a while. Anywho, heres me in CTF mode in Q3A....wwwwweeeeeeeee

03/05/01: Well since the HMC vs xAi is a month away, I would like to take this time to announce my predictions...

In Counter-Strike:

[xAi]    (awp)


In Quake III Arena:



those will most likely be the only games played.

02/28/01: Today when I was hooking up my and my sis' computer to my hub, she told me her friend got cable modem also. HA! I knew it. 

Also, after seeing a post on a forum, I have decided to resurrect my hopes of building my own custom arcade joystick for the psx/psx2. The reason why I gave up the first time was because of the lack of information. But now since a few more have built their own, I have decided to follow in their path. I other words I jumped on the bandwagon. The finish date of this project is unknown, but I hope to have it finished so I can show it off at the next lan.

02/26/01: 25 game win streak in TTT at Golfland today. I could've gone on longer but it was getting tiresome. I beat the crap out of those scrubs for almost an hour and a half until I picked True Ogre/Devil and finally lost. Smashed them with Bruce/A.King/King/Law/Jin/Gun Jack. It was fun to be back into my old form again. Tested out some new strategies and juggles. But now I have to study for a damn math test tomorrow. BOO

Oh yeah, that playstationcenter.com link works now. I made a dumb little error. 

02/25/01: Bandwidth Speed Test 

I got 519.1 Kbps = 63.6 Kb/sec. Damn those fobs for sucking up my bandwidth!! I used to be around 170kb~190kb/sec!!!

02/25/01: Funny thing happened last night(Saturday). While I was on a delivery on Knott Ave., I parked in front of a fire hydrant with my emergency lights blinking. When I came back out, a cop was waiting for me. :(  When I was close enough, he asked me if this was my car. And naturally I said yes. Then he goes, "Do you know what you did wrong?" And I say "parking in a red zone." Then he said" What else?" And I just shrug. So he points toward the fire hydrant. He goes on to tell me that it's a $75 fine for parking in a red zone and an additional $55 for parking in front of a fire hydrant. He then goes on to say that he understands my line of work, so that he will only give me a warning and to park somewhere else next time. Damn I got lucky. This was my third time I got away with a warning.

02/23/01: Whoa...At the Drive In - One Armed Scissors damn good song. 

The link below from playstationcenter.com doesn't work. It just says that Tekken 4 will be delayed until late this year/early next year and that the team from Ergheiz might help. 

02/21/01: Mr. T vs Tekken!! Yes. Go see for yourself. Funny stuff. The 'Group' probably won't find it funny, although I did. I grew up on The A-Team and Knight Rider and I still watch The A-Team on channel 56 so you know I love this. 

02/14/01: More bad news. I think 2 other people in my apartments got cable modem from Roadrunner. DAMN!! I saw the same AT&T van about 2 weeks ago and another one today. My connection has slowed down very noticably. DAMN. AAAAHHH

02/14/01: It's been confirmed. Click on the link for the sad sad news. http://www.playstationcenter.com/news.phtml?id=53787&language=en

02/12/01: Dang, I was all over the place today. Went to Westminster Mall and Cerritos Mall to look for that damn biohazard shirt from Millers Outpost. I found some other nice ones but they didn't have any in the correct size...which would be a large. That is all. I have friggin hw to do...and tons of it.

02/11/01: Heh. Funny thing happened to me this morning. For lunch I went to In-N-Out through the drive-thru and got the double-double meal but then when I went to go pay for it, I didn't have enough. So I tried to pay with my ATM card but they don't accept ATM cards. I was just about to leave but then she started to hand me the food. She said to go ahead and take it because they're just going to throw it away anyways. Then she just to just come back later to pay for it. I told her that I get off work at 4 so I'll come by then. When I got off my shift I went back and paid for it. I realized that I didn't have to but who cares. I didn't want to be Public Restaurant Enemy #1. And the manager guy was so shocked when I went back. He was like "thank you so much for coming back."

Maaan, this idiot on Garden Grove Blvd. was a freakin poser. He drove this red (probably Milano Red) 5th Generation Civic('92~'95) and he had a gay ass "Civic Type R" badge(emblem). What a retard!! First off, the Civic Type R is a hatchback, while this gay poser's car was a coupe. And second, it's not available in the U.S. unless you import it which costs a lot of money...and this guy is broke ass. He thought he was hardcore shit because he had a rusted up exhaust(which shouldn't happen if you buy a stainless steel one) that sounded like crap, dirty 17" wheels(not sure what kind since I couldn't get a good look at them) and a POS stereo system. I'm not going to tell you what nationality his guy is but I will give you a hint. They are the kind of rejects who put 13"  gold rims that stick out of the wheel well on their rusted up pintos. 

02/10/01: WHOA! Some lucky bastard drives a black NSX to school. I saw one in the student parking lot on Thursday after my math class. Damn, a $90,000+ car. Not sure on what year though. 

For those of you who have their hopes up that Tekken 4 is coming out next month will be sorely disappointed. It has been pretty much been confirmed by a tekken buff that Soul Caliber 2 will be released instead. That's a stupid piece of shit game. No one plays that. What the hell is Namco thinking?

After perusing through Jon's forum, it has come to my attention that there is still no 'official' word on where the lan is going to take place. And it's in less than a week, although everyone is pointing their fingers towards Adam's garage. 

02/06/01: This semester, I have a bunch of weird teachers...

Mr. Owens/Accounting teacher: Real funny guy. He offers extra credit if people answer question in class but then he says that he doesn't give extra credit. He's evil. 

Mr. Angus/Philosophy Professor: He looks like Richard Dreyfuss except with sharp teeth. Real nice and laid back. He kind of talks like Cypher from the movie The Matrix.

Mr. Cox/Math teacher: Has a real weird laugh. He kind of sucks in some air through his mouth(pretty loud), then he does this weezing laugh. He ALWAYS laughs at his dumb jokes. I have to suffer through 2 hours of this while he lectures. 

Mr. Shaughnessy/Health Ed.:  Normal professor. The athletic type. 

Also, there has been a rumor going around that Tekken 4 will not be out in March because Soul Caliber 2 is also coming out in March. So Namco is releasing Tekken 4 later on this year. 

02/05/01: Finally!! Everything is well with my computer. Lots of problems...first Windows wouldn't load after I tried to over clock my cpu. It kept saying that I had to reinstall Windows or Explorer. Then I reformatted my hard drive for the hell of it and reinstalled Windows. Then I couldn't connect to the internet cause "winipcfg" wouldn't detect my nic adapter. I called the Tech Support line like at least 7 times. Finally I after doing a bunch of crap I was able to give them my Mac address. But THEN when I installed Office 2000 Premium Edition and tried to open up my site, it wouldn't let my save anything new. Hence, I couldn't update anything on my site until today.  I'm not going to stress the details because it's going to take too long. Now I can finally set up that network between this and my old comp. 

FYI, remember that one guy who was going to blow up his college a few weeks ago? Well, we both share the exact same birthday. Weird. Brings back memories of Fur Coat Mafia.(it's an inside joke)

Within the next several days I will be putting more content on my site since school so far has been somewhat easy. Therefore I have more time.

01/19/00: Yeah. Well since I've gotten my cable modem...I can't seem to find anything to download. I'm gonna keep AOL for one more month so hopefully I can find something...

01/17/01: Cable modem is here. I'm so happy. Well I'm off downloading...HAHAHAHA. Can you feel the excitement??

01/14/01: YEAH! I'm gonna get cable modem on Wednesday . The guy that's going to install it is coming between 1~5 pm. Getroadrunner.com...go there if you're also interested in getting a cable connection. A big thanks to Jon for sending me that link. 

01/13/01: Dull!? Gross pictures!? You guys are a bunch of weenies. Always full of criticism. Nag Nag Nag ....sheesh. I'll put up as many gross pics as I see fit. Go read your horoscope. That ought to fix you. Leave my site alone. Go protest against something worth while such as animal cruelty or equal rights...you guys should be politicians. 

Almost every section has been updated. Check and see for yourself.  






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