

sore eyes

funny stuff

top 10 lists



auto show


01/12/01: Recently got another complaint from Rip about 'gross' pictures in my sore eyes section. Weenie. Updated funny stuff section. Tons of funny stuff to read.

01/10/01: Pics were scanned today, technically yesterday night. There aren't too many pics though. New sections added and others updated. Look for yourself.

01/09/01: The pictures from the Auto Show were developed today...but they didn't come out as I had hoped. Lots of people in the background but that is to be expected especially from a very crowded event...but still...annoying people. Anywho, the pics should be scanned and will be available for viewing in the next few days.

Well, I organized my site a little. Things are where they should be for now. Go browse around my site.

01/07/01: Dang I hate driving in L.A. The streets need to be wider especially with the amount of cars on the road. And the parking was sooo ghetto. $15 for just a damn parking spot. I didn't trust those guys so I made sure that me and Sae got back to the car before it got dark. Yes, I got some good snap-shots of the new M3(my future car) an Integra Type R and some Ferrari's among other goodies. Plus we took pictures of our Civics. Hopefully we can convince Pete to scan some of our pics online. 

I am now motivated by Sae's latest attempt at a diet(no mocking here). I am going to try to eat healthier and exercise more often which means no more going to Denny's or Norm's Restaurant past midnight to get their Sirloin or T-bone steak and eggs with hashbrown, eggs sunny-side up, and buttered english muffin...can you tell that I go there often? But its not like I'm "hefty". You'll see when or if I can get Pete to scan some pics I took at the L.A. Auto Show. 

01/07/01: YaY...L.A. Auto show later this morning. Hopefully Sae can wake up so we can be there on time. Dang...I don't know how to get to L.A. Convention Center...we'll find our way. BTW...go to SaeHo's Site cause its damn funny. Says stuff I wouldn't say. 

Hey...today at work we have these 2 new drivers, so my manager wanted me to show them the ropes. coo. Me of all people. Boy howdy I love that power. A lot of people have quit or been fired since I started working there. So like I'm everyone's senior with the exception of about 4 people.

Oh yeah...my 2 new fav songs are Faith Hill - Breathe and Styx - Mr. Roboto( much like Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen). Is this just a phase?? What happened to me and my Slipknot and Metallica. I still like them but I also like this stuff too. But damn, I'm starting to get scared...

01/06/01: Dang...I'm still depressed that the lan was a bust. BOOO. Oh well, I think I heard Jon mention another lan in a month or so. I'm not sure though. I hope so cause I already miss Jon's cable connection. =(  I went to Getroadrunner.com but when I type in my address I gives me an error message...so I'm going to call them when I wake up around noon or so. Cause I want a cable connection BAD...you can't go back to dial-up crap once you've had a taste of cable...yum!

Oh yeah. Expect some new funny/nasty things on my website in the coming days. Gee...I hope I didn't reveal too much of my suprise. 

01/03/01: Happy New Year....although 3 days late. Um yeah I'm back from the lan. It was kind of a bust. Played Quake 3 Arena and CounterStrike mostly.... I still have 21 gigs of free space...went back to the computer show and bought my headphones...blah blah blah 

12/30/00: Woohoo, I went to the computer show in Pomona to buy those cordless headphones for $30 but that guy didn't show up. boooo urns. And now I have to leave for work. That is all

12/27/00: There used to be a time when I liked to be sick. Now isn't that time. Actually this cold is really bad. Usually I can shake it off in a day but this one is lasting quite a while...even right now. But I'll be okay for the lan which is only 2 days away. 

My friend Ki mentioned that we should go snowboarding. I've been thinking about it and I might want to take that up as a new hobby. It'll give me something to do. 

Plus, I got my book that I ordered from Bentley Publishers. It's called Civic Duty: Ultimate Guide to the World's Most Popular Sport Compact Car - the Honda Civic. 

12/25/00: Christmas Day!! Thank you Santa for all the crappy gifts. Good thing there's such a thing as a receipt. Rule of Thumb to all parents...Do Not buy clothes as Christmas gifts. You and your son or daughter do not share the same taste in clothes...therefore you do not know what they like. AND do not buy them clothes like the ones that are in their closets, their taste changes frequently. Money is the best gift of all. Unless the gift has some kind of sentimental value.

Plus I saw Cast Away. Originally me, Sae and Pete went to Cerritos Town Center to watch it. We bought our tickets at 7:30 or so and the next showing was at 10:15. A few hours in between so we called Rip. He came but when he tried to buy a ticket, the manager said that they were going to close early cause no one were buying tickets for it. BUT me, Sae and Pete already bought our tickets...We showed them to the manager and he gave us refunds PLUS a ticket for readmission which means we got a free ticket. So we went to Long Beach Town Center to watch it...there were plenty of people there, a packed house. I don't want to get all detailed in my review of Cast Away but I will say that it is obviously an Oscar contender for and Tom Hanks will be nominated for Best Actor. You will hear more from movie critics. 

12/22/00: I raced Sae in his 2000 Civic EX against my 2000 DX...and lost. Of course he has the better model and his is 2-door compared to my 4-door and he has a SOHC VTEC engine. But it was fairly close I thought. I think I was actually leading by about half a car length while shooting down the 91 W on ramp off Harbor Blvd. I'm not that sure since I was paying attention to the road. But then he hit VTEC and it was all over from there. Plus I was on the outside lane turning into the on ramp. And no there weren't too many cars around, after all it was 1 A.M. Hehe...I want my GS-R swap so much now, but damn...low mileage Japanese-Spec GS-R swaps go for around $4500. 

3 days left until Christmas and I still haven't bought any presents...talk about a slacker. 

Added two new sections and new background. 

12/20/00: I finally found out what the name of that acoustic song kroq always plays but rarely tells you the name of. It's by Aaron Lewis w/ Fred Durst (aka Limp Dick) called Outside. For 2 months I was tormented cause EVERYTIME Kroq played the song....they never told you the name of it. At least they didn't when I was listening. 

No real site updates. I lost all the goodies I had in store for this site. A whole new section of Top 10 lists, more funny/nasty pics...that kind of stuff. But lately I've been trying to fill up my hard drive. 27 GIGS of empty space currently. So far I only have 5 mp3s and not much else. I can't wait til the lan. All those movies(Gladiator in Divx), music videos, hundreds of mp3s, new games....*DROOL* and only 9 days away.

On another note, my mom won a singing contest late Monday night. I'm not to sure about the details but first prize was a brand new rice cooker(no flames please). 

12/18/00: Well I was hit with a virus yesterday. I found out yesterday at least. We were trying to overclock my celeron 600 to 900 when we found out certain important file names were changed. Oh well. We reformatted my hard drive so I lost everything. Hopefully I can have this page back to what it was very soon...but judging by the total number of hits, no one visits my site anyways. =(  

12/15/00: Well, as you can tell, I did some major site remodeling. Also added the roll-over affect when scrolling over a link. The old background was starting to get annoying so...No real updates although Rip has been nagging about the freak stuff  section. He says it's gross but he's just being a wussie. What do you guys think? Email me with any feedback. 

12/14/00: FINALLY its the end of the semester!! Well, technically its not until tomorrow but I only have to be in class for about 10 mins to receive back my final. Then I get a wonderful six weeks off. I'm so happy. What do I plan to do during those six weeks of leisure?? I'm gonna be going to a LAN where I'll be playing Quake3Arena/Counter-Strike/TekkenTagTournament all day long. Lame??...nah, just us group of hardcore gamers having some fun....And hopefully if my plans on building my own custom arcade joystick for playstation2(yes you read right) go through, that's what I'll be doing for the remainder of the time...plus working night shifts at Pizza Hut. 

Updated quotes section. I have some more doosies from Confucious. New general ones are located at the bottom of the page. Also added some disturbing pictures to the freaky stuff page. Please be patient while pictures load. Although I could just add links to the  pictures but then I'd like all of you to view all the pictures at once.

12/11/00: Proof of Life: It's an above average movie, nothing in comparison to "The Gladiator." The beginning was a tad slow. Some action. Did anyone notice that when Crowe was talking to "Marco" through the radio that when the servant girl entered the room she dropped the tray of drinks? That was because she knew who the man is behind the voice. It turns out that her mother does Marco's laundry. And that's how Crowe tracks down Marco at that one ceremony. Sorry if I spoiled the movie a bit. Meg Ryan, as always, was really nice to look at, but I liked her best in Sleepless in Seattle. Yeah, the Edwards Theater at Long Beach Town Center is pretty nice. No sticky floors...yet. 

12/09/00: For all you Tekken fans, latest word from Tekkenzaibatsu.com (not really, since it was reported back in April 2000) is that Tekken 4 will be released in March 2001. This is only speculation but Tekken, Tekken 2, and Tekken 3 were all released in March of their respective years. Tekken Tag Tournament is the only exception which was released in July 1999. But Tekken Tag Tournament does not follow the story lines of Tekken 3, or 2, or 1. Tekken 4's story line will continue where Tekken 3 left off. click here for those of you who do not know the story line.

12/08/00: Who here has heard the old saying that a dog and his master start to resemble one another? I sure do...and these dogs sure do also. Rip and Jon...take this as a warning.

Remember the song "Bad to the Bone" by George Thorougood, if you don't...then download it and listen to it. Old Georgie probably wrote that song after being inspired by this badass baby

Added a links page. Also added a few pics to freaky stuff section. 

  12/07/00: WOW, I added quite a few things today. Are you tired of the election coverage still going on in Florida? If only registered Florida voters had read this book then there wouldn't be this whole mess. Well its almost over and it looks like Bush-Chenney won. I like Bore-Loserman but Bush would probably make a better president than Gore. Besides, Bush can now take the blame of our economy going into a recession...which it is on the brink of. HAHA

The new sections are sore eyes and freaky stuff. Check it out...its just peachy. I'll be adding more stuff as time goes on, of course. 

I have to get ready to go to work and hopefully make some mad bank!! I better not come across some cheap-asses tonight.

12/05/00: Have you ever asked a girl out and she gives you a lame excuse? Of course, everyone has...lets just leave it at that. click here to decode what they're really saying. 

Are you a college student in desperate need of money? Send a subliminal letter to your dad. Or if your son is bothering you for cash, send him this letter.

12/04/00: Did you know that if you don't use a library card for a year or two, the library deletes/cancels the card? I sure didn't. Its been quite a while since I last used my Buena Park library card so they deleted it. I just made a new one with my new info. 

By the way, Jon informed me that he got the exact same CD-RW for as mine for $119. DANG. I got ripped. $12 isn't that much money, but it's the principle. Monday Night Football is about to start so I'm gonna go watch the game. Patriots vs Chiefs....HMMM I wonder who's gonna win. Both teams can't run the ball so I better not see many running plays. Maybe a few to mix the tempo but still...DE and linebackers will smell it out easily. Anyone know what the spread is?

12/03/00: Well, I just came back from the computer show in Pomona TWICE. Yes TWICE. I wouldn't have had to go back the second time if the vendor where my cousin got his memory from actually gave him the right one. My cousin Peter(HHH) thought he bought a stick of 128MB PC133 of Micron memory, but when he went home and installed it in his computer, it turned out to be 32MB PC66. So we drove back and the guy gave him the right stick of RAM this time, he even checked in his computer right there at the stand. I just bought a Creative Labs CD-RW 8x4x24 for dirt cheap...only $131 with tax. Its OEM though. And yes I finally got my annual pass.

12/03/00: Yay, I'm finished with my web site...its almost 2:30am. Actually its far from finished since I need to add lots of pictures. I've been leaning more towards a digital camera than a scanner which means I have to save up a little more. Maybe I'll get both.  Anywho, car payments and insurance is killing me. SOOO expensive.

Moving on, I will also be adding other sections. If anyone has a suggestion, email me. VISIT MY SITE OFTEN. I would like to see my counter reach very high numbers.